I usually don’t make forecasts for the New Year, but I’m carefully optimistic about the system of communication service provider (CSP). As the industry migrates from the commodity service model to a strategic business activator, the CSP turns to a new way of doing business and developing management. In the 2024 GSMA report, B2B (Beyond Core Telecoms) predicts the B2B (Beyond Core Telecoms) to reach $ 2.9 trillion by 2030, with almost $ 1 trillion ($ 34%) to split among themselves. More than a third of B2B opportunities are in four key verticals (finance, automotive industry, production and aviation), all of which rely more on mobile technology. And it is already going on; We see the results with our Mobility Services platform, as new CSP partners will connect to the platform and our existing partners are expanding their trail using the IoT and 5G -added IoT and 5G. Finlly, Mobility Business is ready to jump forward with high -valuable 5G business services.
By cooperating partnerships with CISCO and the use of the power of our mobility platform, CSPS increases their connection to the end-to-end of business values and use cases that solve business problems in the real world. The platform provides tangible results, service providers in the area of business needs create new services faster and maintain operating costs low. CSPS also benefits from global scale, programmability, monetization and constant innovation our own platform for mobility AS-A-Service.
We are also humiliated and proud that we have been recognized by our customers and industry and underline the momentum we see across our CSP partners. Thank you Frost & Sullivan who recently named Cisco as a global company of 2024 For our platform offered and mobility. Thank you Counterpoint, which in their latest research report, Named Cisco IoT Control Center as a head management industry.
Frost & Sullivan, who evaluated us on the basis of visionary innovations, performance and customer impact, emphasized some key points about our approach to the AO platform as we do business. The counterpoint did the same and evaluated the platform against their connection criteria (stroke), including providing/orchestration, billing, analysis/reporting, easy use, integration, product maturity and security.
The main points of the Mobility Services Platform include:
- The IoT control center and the Mobility Services platform are market leaders and more than 60+ telecommunications operators including AT&T, KPN, T-Mobile, Telus, Teltra, Tele2, Three Group and BT as our partners.
- Since 2024, the platform has had more than 270 million IoT devices.
- Processing 500+ tertity data per daytea A globally available Mobility Services platform means CSP can easily connect, provide and manage devices, Anywhere and On any scale.
- The cloud platform administration dramatically simplifies the complexity of the IoT life cycle management and wireless technology. The best news, inventory management, automation, network and safety knowledge and API increase significant value and make it easier for cloud platform operations.
- The flexibility of the platform means that CSPS canps can quickly add new market -based capabilities across industries – from the automotive and tools to logistics, production, mining and health care to name at least some. The last of the latest additions to valuable functions include dynamic reporting for business and surgical knowledge, 5GSA – premium capacity, network cutting insurance, edges management, new invoicing models, ESIM or API instrument panel, which provides deep visibility to API formulas.
- We already include artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ml), expand the set of platform functions to include investment in capacity AI gene A, making users easier to operate data, capture analysis and find meaningful information
The time has come for a giant jump forward and we are excited to be part. Our platform approaches that include building and using an innovative ecosystem and providing AS-A-Service for simplicity, scope and consistency means that our partners can bring different and monetizable offers to the market. The CSP, which cooperates with the Mobility Services platform, gets a portfolio of cases of use and seizes them to capture business opportunities with high growth with dexterity. The CSP also gains the ability to manage sustainable growth by reimagining their access to the mobility of business mobility with Cisco.
It is mutually advantageous when the CSP uses our platform to obtain competing adequate, highly growth business opportunities and building new, sustainable income flows by using their existing investment in mobile connectivity and Cisco mobility.
More information about how you can be part of this exciting journey. Together we can create new ways to grow in the mobile industry.
Visit our websiteYou want to know more about the Cisco Mobility Services platform,
Download a copy 2024 Message Frost & Sullivantea 2025 Counterpoint Report,,
And join us on Cisco Live EMEA Next month.